Saturday, March 31, 2012

Justice Now

I just came from a rally. This rally was held in Springfield MA. This is the city I was born and raised in. I had lost confidence in this city. I began to think that everyone here was suffering from chronic apathy. I truly believed that no one cared about anything here.
Well I have just regained confidence. The rally called for justice for Trayvon Martin. The attendees were from every walk of life. They were old, they were young, they were black, they were white, they were hispanic, they were asian, they were male, they were female, they were christian, they were muslim. They all chanted for justice, they all chanted for peace.
It was wet and cold on the outside but, I felt a warm feeling of hope on the inside. The hope that there will be justice for all victims of senseless crimes. The hope that we will all wake up and realize that we were all created for one purpose and that is to love.
The purpose to love one another enough to want to make a difference in someone's life.We must find the courage to love God and our neighbors.
We must realize that fear is not the answer. Fear is what keeps us from loving. Why would a grown man need to fear a young man who was unarmed and wearing a hoodie. Walking home from the store talking on the phone minding his business.
We don't know the whole story but, we know enough to realize something is wrong with this picture.