Saturday, April 16, 2011

What are They Really Fighting For ?

What in the world? Is watching two people beat the heck out of each other really entertaining? Are children the so numb and misguided that this is what they find exciting. What a sad state of affairs. They purposely start fights so that they can record them and post them.
Do they really hate themselves that much? They are hurting themselves as well as the person they are fighting with. The hurt is not only physical. It is emotionally and socially damaging.This is really a problem, assault is a crime and these idiots are recording it. They are so ignorant,that they don't realize the consquences of such actions. They are so full of anger and sadness that they can't think about anything but what is going on in the moment.What is going to happen when they finally realize that they need to make a future for themselves? They will be looking for a job and then someone will stumble upon some stupid video of them starting a fight and beating on another human being.
There are so many jobs and careers that do not allow people who have assault on their record.Most of these children seem to be challenged in social and academic areas.
There is something so wrong with this.I actually witnessed one of these fights. I knew both of the people involved. One of them told me the other boy just came up to him and punched him. I was cooking dinner and I heard some noise outside my window. I went to look there were two young teenaged boys were fighting. There was at least ten people yelling hit him, hit him. Some of the people were adults they said nothing at all I went outside yelling. I yelled several times stop it. Someone told me to shut up, but I didn't. I told them I was going to call the police. Since I knew both of them I said to them you know you will both go,to jail. They reluctantly stopped, I was flabergasted.
The fight stopped but I continued trying to understand. What are all of the young people really fighting for? People we have got to get involved with our children. The violence is not going to stop especially when there are so many adults just letting it happen. They are not only letting it happen they are encouraging it and participating in it. Ignorance is running rampant. Something has got to be done, adults it has to start with us.Start giving a #@$%.