Monday, March 29, 2010

Youth and Their Peers

Our children spend more time with their peers then with their parents.This is another reason for us to pay close attention to our children.We must realize not everyone shares to the same expectations for their children.
Some children are exposed to things earlier then others.
Believe me you do not want your child to learn about sex,drugs,violence or any other serious social issue from their friends.Children have plenty of time to socialize with their friends in school , on the bus, on the playground etc.. I am guessing you get the point.
Imagine your fifth grade childs conversation with her friend about her boyfriend.She tells your child how her mom says it is alright that she has a boyfriend. You don't want your child to have a boyfriend because you feel she is too young. Your daughter decides she is going to ask a couple of her friends if their mom and dad allow them to have a boyfriend. Let's say she asks 10 girls and 8 say that their parents don't mind.Now, lets say you have not discussed the fact you don't feel she is old enough for boyfiends.Do you know what her next move will be? Will she come to you and discuss it?
Imagine your seventh grade son witnesses his friends drinking alcohol before school on the playground. He says to them "what are you doing?" They tell him oh we do this everyday it is no big deal. One of the friends says here try it.Do you know what his response will be?
There are so many things our children are being exposed to these days we can not afford to let our children be educated about adult issues, by their peers. It is too risky. Talk to your children at an early age about these things. Children are growing up too fast these days. I don't mean physically, I mean they are experiencing adult issues way before they are emotionally ready.
Remember your children are spending a lot of time with their friends who may not have been raised with the same values, morals and guidance as your child has been.